Become a Member
Join the Fun!
Club dues are $25 a year. You will receive the quarterly newsletter Cookie Crumbs available digitally or paper, and a collectable signed, dated membership cookie cutter. You may join any time during the year but our membership year runs January 1 through December 31 and you will receive all the newsletters and cutter for the year that you join. To join, tell us if you prefer digital or paper newsletter and send a check or money order to:
Cookie Cutter Collectors Club
Shirley Marie Coughlin
10 Sarah Way
Cascade, ID 83611
A downloadable CCCC Membership/Renewal Form is available to fill in, print out, and mail.
You can also purchase a 1-year Subscription or renew your yearly dues via Zelle to:
Shirley Marie Coughlin
Please note "Cookie Cutter Collectors Club"
How to use Zelle:
Note: Availability and steps may vary by banking institution
More information can be found here
Log into your bank account online or on your bank's app
Look for "Send Money with Zelle", "Transfer of Funds", "Transfer & Pay", "Paying Bills" or something similar
Select "Send"
Enter Name or Email provided above
Enter $25.00
Select "Review"
Enter "Cookie Cutter Collectors Club" in "What is this for?" section
Select "Send"