Welcome to The Cookie Cutter Collectors Club!
"Every cookie cutter tells a story"
Darlene Farrell - Past CCCC President

The purpose of the Cookie Cutter Collectors Club is to share information with others who are also interested in cookie cutters and cookie related subjects. We research, record and share data with
each other regarding the history of cookie cutters.
We also share new things related to cookies, cookie decorating, and baking. We get together periodically to discuss our favorite topics and show and swap cookies and cookie cutters.
There are a number of regional cookie cutter collectors groups all across the country that also have meetings. New groups or new members are always welcome. The club has a Facebook page for keeping up with each other and the latest cookie discoveries. Every two years we have a 3 day convention in a location determined by the presiding President.
We put out a quarterly newsletter (available as a digital download or paper copy) and a yearly membership cookie cutter made exclusively for our members. There is also a National Cookie Cutter Historical Museum in Joplin, Missouri, that is open to the public. And each year we sponsor an exclusive Cookie Cutter Week cutter that is available to members for purchase.
Overall we enjoy the friends we’ve made and have lots of fun!